Monday 21 December 2015

Newton Challenge 2015, Run For it 09, Forest Trail Run 2015

Finally having time to compile my notes for my blog,
Its been awhile, currently too busy doing errands my daytime work( agricultural farming/ House Repair etc)..
First of all it was a 3 in a row Race. Ive been constantly training for 3weeks plus just after my trip from Nagano.And trying to put as much mileage i could during those 3 weeks. My moto for now is doesnt matter or dont care training session. Just try hard to put in my KMs as much until Im FLAT! (LOL) if Malay says it Training Sampai Lebam. Anyways i didnt get until 110km this time. As for AUG-October i was doing 90-110kms a week.
But luckily it paid of during these races.

 Forest Trail Run 2015, Mens Open 9KM (GPS 8,6KM// 39,27Mins) 4th Place.
Run For It 09, Setia Alam Mens Open 12KM (12.4GPS// 49.10mins) 2nd Place

Newton Challenge 2015 Mens Open 15KM (14.95GPS// 1hr 01min ) 2nd Place.

Forest Trail Run 2015.
At first i was skeptikal i could fit into podium for this race as it was only Top5 (recently alot of races have dropped from top10 to top5 ) So i had to train really hard for this. And put in enough effort/ rest as much possible. Luckily managed 4th position right behind Jasni, these route was familliar to us as we did it earlier this year for EventBiz. My timing improved by 2mins in this race.

Run For It 09 2015. Setia Alam
As i warmed up for this race, I was alot of Podium Runners in my category. So was thinking maybe i can just at least get num5 or 4. I started slow didnt push too much during the first 6km. Just follow the 2 runners infront of me and not overtake them because their strength is same as mine.
As for the race Im happy and surprised that i won cash( I hardly go for cash race). And the organizers are very good and very well organized (Many organizers in Klang area are Runners themselves and they know what their doing :) ).
But as for the race not too happy with my time my target was 48mins. Maybe something went wrong during the run or i need to do more homework!

Newton Challenge 2015. Giant Puchong
Started out the first KM 4-5th position. As Wei Xiang was bringing the pace. But hes too fast for me.
So i slowed down because this is a 15km race. So i need to save enough endurance for the 5km Ending. It was a hilly route but i like it!! Did it last year but suffering as for no Hill Training at all,
Anyways the distance this year was 14.95 , Last year was 14.5 km ( i think) . But my time was not too bad. I targeted at least 59.30 mins but i was slow the first 10km. But my endurance improved. Average pace was 4;05, Last year it was 4.25.

So thats it. Final Race of the Year. I hope i can become better/ healtheir next coming years. Thx for reading my blog :)

Friday 2 October 2015

Run With Great Heart CICM half Centro Klang Update

It's been awhile I Havnt updated anything on this blog ,
But anyways just wanted to share with the viewers the races that I've done the past few months.
First of all just happy or not happy with my time, it takes a lot of work just to achieve a 1-2minute faster pace than I thought. And it takes time for your body to adapt to a more faster or longer endurance.
Below is are some pics from my races 

Centro Klang Run
Time: 47:39
Distance: 11:75
Position: 6th

Race: Run With Great Heart Setia Alam 
Distance : 11.3km
Position : 4th

Cicm Half Tmn Botani Shah Alam
Distance: 21km 
Time : 1:37hrs
Position : 3rd

Cyberjaya Night Half Marathon
Distance: 9.91km
Time: 39:33
Position: 7th

Monday 3 August 2015



Its been awhile i havnt updated this blog, A month of just training and no race and suddenly Bammm MAEPS trail. 
I entered the 12km men open. Feeling not quite prepared for this race and just take it as training. Since i didnt do any intense running throughout the month of June/July. First of all didnt feel so good about the race from the start. being 1) When at the start line the 18km runners had no marshall to direct. And they led to the 12km route and had to turn back 500m. 2) There was no check or ribbon when we entered the start line 3) The gap between they let go between 18 and 12km Runners was just a few minutes.

Being entered the race previous year. I knew there was going to be a human traffic Jam. But this was the worst. Hundred of Runners ( Walking) throughout the course. I couldnt see the 2 runners ahead of Me. It was kinda blurry situation. When i reached a junction after the 1st  Waterstation i met up with the 18km runners and  the 12km runners was nowhere to be seen. Following some 18km runners. We ended up at nowehere road (we could go straight or go right). We both category were lost. Asked the martial (with his face looking unsure) Directed us to the wrong road (Me ended up under distance n My friend from 18km ended up re-routed twice). 
I knew that i will reach first. Got the Tag and didnt feel good about it. Well I didnt get a ribbon in between the race. I was disqualified. To sum it up Trail running we have to be really carefully as there are many ways you could get lost. And another I would like to suggest that if next year they Must put Taping between the tress Along the Way. And Give Briefing to the Marshalls in Detail.

2nd Week. Did the Taiping Cross Country.
Me and My friend decided to camp in the school compund but ended up camping on a car park outside McDonalds. (The School Principle didnt allow camping in School compounds with Valid Reasons)
Anyways. Had only a few hours of sleep cause it was raining n we had to sleep in the car.
The Morning came athletes from KL, Klang, Perlis, Perak all came including 2 Kenyans.  Must say i enjoyed the route very much it was a really Cross Country experience plus Some Mountain Running too and River Crossing. As my previous race i ended up lost. So this time i was really careful and followed the arrows and runners and martials. 
The Run was over distance almost 17km, 40% road 30% Grss 30% Mountain climb and descend. Was very pumped with this course. Gives you a basic of "Gunung" or mountain running.
From this race i learned that speed wasnt much important but Endurance and Mental.  
I will comeback to this Race with better results Next year. Still need to learn alot on Trail running.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Kuantan Half / KCK Setia Alam 2015.

After a dissapointing Race from Kuantan Half Marathon, it took me some time to publish a post to this Blog. Firstly dissapointed with myself that i couldnt still bring up to pace for my Half Marathon.
This year i hardly take long  distance running as to focus on my core n speedwork. So endurance wasnt so much in my programme. But well its better to learn the hardway. As for this KuantanHalf.
I tried to keep up with a 4;11pace for the first 10k (Just to test wether i could hold that pace  till the next final 10k) It was a crazy thing to do. haha so i learned that in order to keep endurance n strength cutting down to 10secs less is what i needed to do in order to keep my endurance throughout the race.
So... meaning easy on the first 10k, alot needed to be done for my long distance running so I decided to race easy the last 10k without any helf from salt sticks. Focus what was wrong and troubleshooting. Takes alot of courage to run a race and still doing some experiments and admit to falling out of the top10 list. 

So the following week is KCK 10km, i dedicided to do some endurance and few speedworks. And try to back out from any extreme practice runs and save strength. Well i did it. managed to keep a 4;01 pace throughout the 10km. and did a 3.58 for the first 5.5km. 
So this coming week is my Lumut Half.  I hope that what i practiced and learned should able to keep me in line. either that i still needed to find the faults in  my longdistance running. 




Sunday 24 May 2015

Great Eastern Colour My Heart Run 2015

As usual the nervous really breaks u down the night before raceday, But I havnt had this kinda nervousness since my earlier races. 
Sunday Morning at Dataran Merdeka arrived early to get a near parking and to be mentally relaxed for the race. Met my friend Rani which arrived almost the same time as i did. Made a few chit chat as it was too early for warmup.
But there u go 30mins before the race. The Starting line was packed. After few years of running this was my first race actually to Start at Padang Merbok. The instensity feeling was high because  my of the killer route (which is the DUTA hockey stadium route). 
Tried to start easy on the hills and avoid cramps or muscle pain. Luckily i made it to finish. It was a mentally exausting and physical challenge for this race. We had to finish with extra two hills which was the Double Hill (aka White House/Rumah Putih) together with the Skolah Arab route. 
I did a time of 49.51mins with a 11.87 km distance. Not quite satisfied wtih the time target was 48mins++, But the hills was holding me back.  Managed to get 6th Malaysia Mens. Overall satisfied. But hopefully i could recover before my Kuantan Half (which is 7days from now). 

All i could say is (I am no elite or pro-runner) But from experience dont kill yourself in training. Manage it , plan well and all plan will succeed. 

Thanks to Moey for the pics.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Milo Breakfast Day Putrajaya 2015

My first ever Milo Race, been wanting to join this event since 2years ago. Really didn't expect thousands of people would be here. But I really enjoyed this race. The preparation by the organizers were good. Actually much better than any other huge Full Marathon events I ever joined. With the endless Milo trucks and variety of breakfast after the race.
First of all I didn't I didn't expect many elite runners to join this race, because it closed really fast. But it's ok. It really tested my speed and endurance ( which speed training I really am Lazy to do) . And the day before this race I really didn't have proper rest. ( had wedding to attend and some friends group meeting) and my diet for the pre race went all out of the window. 
But many runners have improved during this race. I'm surprised they could pull much pace. Congrats to them. 
Well day after the race still feeling sore. Need some recovery time for the next big event.
It was an over distance with 7.25 km on my watch, only did an average 4:01pace. Really need to work out on my 5k this time. 

Tuesday 5 May 2015

SuperHero Race 2015

Distance 9.9KM (GPS)
Where: Bukit Jalil Stadium
When: 3rd May 2015

It was a cool Sunday Morning, had a little dew. The Race was early around 6;30 (for a 10km)
My target for this was being within Top5 position. And eventually gratefully achieved what i had aimed for. This was right after my unsuccessful Bidor Half Marathon. which i chocked the last 5KM.
But feeling confident for this race as i prepared for the 80% incline/Decline route. I followed a Kenyan Woman runner pace. She paced me most of the time. I felt strong as i could hold a 4;08pace throughout the whole event. And finished my last 900Meters with a 3;38min time.

 I felt that I am stronger within 10-18KM distance races. So as for Half Marathons i still need to study more on its preparation to achieve goal time. Throughout this past week I had alot of friends, Coaches and pro atheletes giving advice on doing middle distance running, economy running. easy training. and recovery training.
Its going to take some time to achieve that goal. But i dont mind, slowly learning and gaining experiance throughout races is most important.

Monday 27 April 2015

Bidor Half Marathon

The Distance was actually 22.85km, I finished my time at 1:39hrs, got 1:31hrs on the 21st km.
It's been a while I Havnt attended long distance running and this one the was first for 2015. 
I learned a lot from this race as in for pacing, patience, and economy running. I hope the next few HM I would do better as in for timing and strategy. It's totally different from short distance running as for you need to keep your strength on the 2nd leg and the final few hundred meters. 
The route actually wasn't so bad for the first 15km, then after that it was all uphill till the 19th km, and the last 2km was abit steep. Almost had my legs cramp on the 18th km so had to slow down by then. But luckily I picked up by the 20th km. But by that time it's already too late to catch up with the 5 people ahead. 
Overall it's a good race, hoping to come back next yr and join this great race, thanks for the support! 

Monday 20 April 2015


One of the biggest events of the  year, and first full marathon event for this year.
Many people and Elites entered this race from 10km to Full Marathons. 
I focused on my 10k training a few months before this race as I got sick due to over training the last 2weeks before this race. Luckily I got pulled trough till the finish. Many pro runners entered this 10km category. Luckily got stuck with the top 10. Almost out of breath for this one. Wasn't satisfied with my timing. But it's all ok need more recovery and training balance. Hopefully my timing would be better by the end of the year. 
Congrats to those who entered and succeed in this event. 

Monday 13 April 2015



It took an hour drive to th coast of Pantai Morib, which is located 25minutes from KLIA.
We had to wake up by 2:30am to get ready plus travel time to the venue. 
Wasn't feeling to good for this race, been feeling sick pass the few training before this. So I just took it easy with an average 4:13pace, just target for top10. Managed to fall 6th ( good enough I guess ) 
Still thought I couldn't do it. But forced myself till the end. Maybe it was overtraining and malnutrition causing this heaviness. Hope the next coming race will be better. 
Thanks to friends & family for being supportive!! 

Sunday 22 March 2015


AVG PACE: 4:06

My Second event for Month of March, was prepared 100% for this Race, but never ran this route before. Kinda Hilly with gradual incline and decline, hardly any flat route on this course. And this was my second time entering the Run For Water ( Which lastyear i re-route and made extra distance with 11km lol). But anyways. "ALWAYS EXPECT" the "UNEXPECTED" esp for under-distance races. There were fast junior runners, international runners on this day. We were expecting most of them would go to Possible Run. But we thought WRONG. Anyways. Did my time happy/not happy couldnt say. But at least gave my all. It was intresting and learned alot from every race i joined.
Looking forward to next events Next Month. Cheers!!

thannks to ET TEY for the Pics.

Monday 16 March 2015


Empta Charity Run 10km/ 5Km
Location: Padang Merbok

My third attempt on this Padang Merbok Route
Must say I was down with a hard flu the last 2weeks, couldn't get my best PB during training, had to take it easy on this one and not exert too much. Luckily I got to stick on the top 5. 
Looking forward for more 10ks and half marathons this year. And increase my mielage bit by bit.
Thanks to those friends who came and support us during this race couldn't do it without you guys!! 

Results from

Sunday 8 February 2015

EventBiz Charity Trail 2015

First of all, it wasn't an easy trail. Something like the MAEPS route
50% trail 50% Road, the first 2-3km was a killer incline. Then afterwards was an upward downward route. But still managed to be in 5th.
I'd train very hard from my races and unlike before I don't want to take my races for granted. Win or lose its part of the game. But most importantly never give up hope as u will reap the benefits sooner or later in the future. 

WinnerPhoto and Results from Pacemakers

Sunday 11 January 2015


The first time taking the Dragon back race in Meru Klang. 
Now I know why is it called dragon back, exactly like a dragons body going up and down.
I couldn't get my PB because the road is too steep to get  steady pace, all it needs is endurance and strength. Sadly they said this will be the last 10km category. But we'll see if next year they will have it or not. Although not having a good PB I managed to be in third place not far behind Saddam.