Monday 29 December 2014

Newton Challenge 2015

Distance: 14:75km
Time: 1:02:30
Placing : 7th

Finally after months trying to get my fitness back to 100%, my body feels more refreshed during this race. At first I didn't dare to follow the lead pack and wanted to maintain my steady pace. But looks like I just followed them till half of the race. This was just after the Cyberjaya Marathon. It took me several weeks to reflect on what I eat, what training I did. Had to dissect and study every details of it.
Feeling blessed to be back in the top10 category, hoping to get back to the top 5 soon. 

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Cyberjaya TwinCity Marathon 2014

Distance: 22.4Km 
Time: 1:38Hrs
Where: Cyberjaya DPulze
Position: 7th

This is my second attempt for a half marathon this year, Not very fond of Half but this time I managed to like it. It took me some time to understand doing Half marathons, as you can't go too fast or too slow.
It's all about maintaining your pace. And I was very nervous as I don't want to screw this up. Well I didn't actually but got lost for 1.4km and on the 11th km a few of us were uncertain for the route as there were no Marshall's and it was too dark to see the route markers. This made me screw up my pace and inconsistency. Well .. On the 18th Km I try tp speed up a little as there were 3km to go and guess what the Marshall was sleeping and suddenly woke up and showed me the wrong way.
I realized this after heading to a dead end. I almost gave up but still thought I could still do this. So I managed to uturn and overtake 4people, and I found my friend who was leading and he got lost too for 5km (He managed to get 5th).  I saw my watch and I saw my 21km was 1:32hrs. and tried to push my pace even more.
Luckily still got into the top 10 spot. Well I must say this is an adventurous race. Lost or not I somehow proud of my timing and could do better for future Half Marathons.